M.Sc. Niklas Benner
TU Dortmund University
Department of Statistics
Chair of Business and Social Statistics
CDI Building, Room 122
44221 DortmundGermany
E-Mail: niklas.bennertu-dortmundde
Phone: +49 231 755 7925
- Since September 2020: Doctoral Student at the Chair of Business and Social Statistics
- Since September 2020: Doctoral Student at the RWI Essen
- Since September 2019: Member of the Ruhr Graduate School in Economics
- 2016-2019: Research Assistant at the Chair of Monetary Economics (JLU Gießen)
- 2014-2019: Studies of Economics at the Justus-Liebig University Gießen
Master Thesis: Disargeement about Monetary Policy in the EMU - A NLP-based Approach
Member of the Dortmund Center for data-based Media Analysis (DoCMA).
- Natural Language Processing
- Sentiment analysis
- Text classifikation
- Topic Modeling
- Machine Learning
- Economic policy
- Central bank communication
- Lange, K.-R., Rieger, J., Benner, N. and Jentsch, C. (2022). Zeitenwenden: Detecting changes in the German political discourse. Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Computational Linguistics for Political Text Analysis. pdf. GitHub.
Pre-prints und Working paper
- Benner, N., Lange, K.-R., und Jentsch, C. (2022). Named Entity Narratives. Ruhr Economic Papers #962. Link
- Python Block Course (Summer 2022, Winter 2021/22)
- Bayesian Econometrics (Summer 2021)
- Machine Learning for Economic Data (Winter 2020/21)